Saturday, June 03, 2006

Blogging Lazy

The blog 'machine' here makes you lazy and is an invitation to avoid any rules. You just type and everything is dated, arranged and archived. When I was hard at work at I made myself put up an entry for every day and tried to post a picture and arrange all those links I liked to have. The downside of this forum is that I don't know what will be preserved into the future and I get blog-lazy. If I feel like posting, I do it, that's it. I seem to be above rules. I can go back and edit later for typos, but will I?

I also no longer feel compelled to be completely transparent. There were times when I tried to publicize every thing I did or ate, every bit of exercise; I would virtually expose anything that I would happily tell a friend. All the non-secret parts. I am now keeping an off-line journal. Even there I'm not obsessing over recording every thing I eat or every rep of bicep curls.

I definitely like to swim in the online world, making connections with you folks by writing and reading blogs and journals myself so that I can know something about people I almost never get to see in person. There's never enough time for it, however. We make so many choices in life about how we spend our time. Currently I'm spending a lot of hours screening films for a local film festival and working on the business of my country club. I consider the former very educational about the film business which I profess an interest in. I consider the club essential to my health and happiness and so have decided to contribute some time for a term on the board. I have also been spending considerably more time on the finances of my life since the untimely death of our bookkeeper.

Last night we saw the premiere of "Ride Around the World" at the IMAX theater at the Bob Bullock State History Museum. Wow. The footage of cowboys and horseman in seven locations around the world is amazing. If you are in Austin, you should go see it. Night before last we went to an opening at d Berman gallery and saw the current show at AMOA and then braved rain to eat at the new Mexican place downtown and wander the Second Street district and have some coffee and gelato. FFP took the picture at one of the hip Second Street shops. I'll go back to posting pictures from Paris, I'm sure. But I just wanted to be a little more au courant.

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