Thursday, June 01, 2006

Probably My Favorite Paris Shop Window Pic

I took this somewhere near the Place de la Madeleine, I think. It will be my favorite until I have a new favorite. I have combed through all my digital shots and fooled around with them a bit. I'm still toying with the idea of a proper, dated and detailed travelogue.

Meanwhile, life goes on. Big news in our world is that our Capresso machine is the subject of a recall for faulty wiring that might cause a fire. So we have to risk it or else pack it up and send it in for rework and, gulp, be without our caffeine machine for weeks. It has also developed a habit of saying it needs cleaning all the time, even after you clean it. I love my Capresso. It has been in for repairs two or maybe three (more?) times and I missed it so. Back from Paris I am, of course, more addicted than ever. It's not that I can't find peace with other coffee. But I love that perfect temperature concoction that has the creamy foam on top from the pressure and the so NOT burned effect of the burr grinder and the pressure brewing (rather than heat). Cheaper by huge amounts than a coffee shop product, too.

On the other hand...I wouldn't want it to burn my house down.

Of course, if I were still in Paris I could sit down to a tiny perfect espresso for only four or five dollars...but including a life lease on a sidewalk table. I noticed by watching the French Open that the weather is still chilly with scattered showers and wind, though. Not as friendly to cafe sitting. But there is that enclosed NON-SMOKING area facing the boulevard at Deux Magots. But back to reality. I'm in Austin. Summer is coming. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

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