Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sometimes it's All Too Easy

I guess there might be a question of whether it's art if you find windows to photograph that are already so artistic. It's kind of stealing just adding the texture of the reflection. This shop, in the St. Germain area I think, was displaying odd collage art they had for sale. We didn't go inside. We merely stole the image and stole away.

In fact, we didn't go inside too many shops. I convinced FFP that the clothes he was attracted to were both too expensive and that he would have trouble fitting into them. We didn't go into too many food shops as we didn't picnic. We didn't bring home souvenirs. We did wander around Bon Marche’s Le Grand Epicerie and even considered buying some Picon but we didn't buy anything. I'm not much into shopping and bringing things home any more. A few postcards, mostly from museum shops, giveaway maps and ticket stubs. That's about it. Except for all the sugar cubes and giveaway chocolates that come with the precious little espressos.

Feeling odd is good. For me. But I'm thinking about other people more than usual.

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