Sunday, June 11, 2006

Just Enjoy It

This one, taken in Paris (yeah, still with those), is a riot of round shapes and reflection. I really like it.

It's important to like things. To enjoy them. Right now (as in on the TV sitting above this monitor) I'm watching the French Open Men's Final. I was hoping for an epic battle. It sort of is. Ebbs and flows and amazing shots. When you give yourself a few hours to indulge in watching a match like this while drinking coffee, eating and reading newspapers during breaks, then you should revel in it and enjoy it. It's three hours in at the moment. It might have been over before the three hour mark. But wasn't. Federer pulled it back out. I'm enjoying it. Like I say, if you are going to devote time to something you should get into it. I'm enjoying my papers, too, even though I'm hopelessly behind in controlling them. If you are going to do something, especially something that is supposed to be leisure, dig in and revel in it. Don't think about the next thing. Enjoy now.

That is going to be my mantra for a few days. I have a plan to do some rather distasteful chores around the house and yard. To do some more of the financial stuff I need to do. And of course to continue our social life and the fun things and the workouts. But I'm going to be in the moment by golly. Really.

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