Monday, June 12, 2006

You Dirty Dog...Spamcommers

Spam comments showed up on this blog site last night. They had links in them associated with a question mark or other bit of punctuation designed to suck my (nonexistent) readers off into (at best) some ad site or (at worst) to some site that would download vicious stuff. Not that I followed the links. But that would be the pattern. I removed them all and changed the options to moderate comments. So if you are a real person and show up to say something real (not "I like your color scheme" or "you are awesome") then there will be a lag of unknown duration before your comment appears. Also you may have to type a nonsense word from a picture to prove that you are, um, human. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof. I haven't had this at my halo scan site yet if you want to comment there. The world is becoming so inhospitable. Well, not becoming. It always was. We just hide in our little corner of it sometimes and forget all the bad actors who are out there, forget all the pain.

As to the picture, which kind of follows my vague thesis for this post...I think that they didn't want dogs inside this area of the market in the 16th arrondisement in Paris where (I think) meats were sold. So they constructed a leash tie-up point. It's funny to think if there were really six or more dogs tied up there! Would they calmly wait for their owners to buy some meat (and perhaps a bone or two?)

Yep, the world is not always charming.

I was going to do some work in the yard this morning. Instead I'm waiting for my dad to call. He's trying to get a repair on his van and may need a ride. I don't have any other duties today other than getting the great streamline my stuff project under way. Yeah, right. And, of course, try to get my daily workout. Well, at least I cleaned up this blogging site. Not like that is an accomplishment.

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