Sunday, June 11, 2006

I Think I'd Love some Simplicity

I was trying to think what would make my life better and decided that I need to simplify. I need to see some clean corners and surfaces. To have one thing to concentrate on. Otherwise my life is nearly perfect. Except for friends who are ill or who have died.

It will take some work to simplify. As a buddy of mine says things are always more chaotic initially as you pull things out and sort them. This random shot of stuff in my office is an illustration of the problem. Books and such just piled on the shelves. Some of this stuff I'll never refer to again. Even if there are books I'd like to read or keep for reference, all needs to be organized, some things discarded or given away and some things boxed up.

This doesn't get done by just thinking it would be nice, however. Nope. Gotta do something.

My first task is to catch up the finances so that less time has to be devoted to that. Perhaps I'll blog my progress. Or not.

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