Friday, December 01, 2006

A Guide to the Visible Woman

Visible? Not so much. That's the main conundrum of my life. I like to be out there in cyberspace telling the details of every minute of every day. And yet. I like to be enigmatic and private and surprising.

Perhaps that's why you find so many photos with shop windows and just the vaguest reflection of yours truly.

The picture was taken yesterday on South Congress in Austin, Texas and the armadillo tea party is a creation of the folks at Uncommon Objects. The day was cold for us with a bitter wind.

I used to obsessively post all the publicity palatable events of my life. One can review some of this at the old, non-blogger site. At some points I was recording every morsel of food and rep of bicep curls. That got old. I had all these rules for posting from time to time. Essays every time, quote every day, picture every day. All these things were just ways to get something out each and every twenty-four hours.

I've lightened up. I use this blogging tool so I don't even have to date things. I ramble on and while I always insert a picture it may be largely irrelevant.

Usually when I post, I don't imagine anyone at all reading. And I'm usually not far from wrong. However, Holidailies, might drive some readers this direction. And, if so, welcome. These ramblings usually emanate from Austin, the Capital City of Texas. And I plan to spend the holidays here. So if you are interested in all things Central Texas, maybe you will find something here to please. Perhaps in a shop window with a nebulous reflection of your tour guide.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Austin, Texas. I have run across so many virtual friends and one astrologer hailing from Austin.

And where else but Austin would you findthe armadillo tea party, a creation of the folks at Uncommon Objects? huh

I enjoyed your entry and I'll be looking forward to the next one.

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