Saturday, December 02, 2006

It's Really Just the Smallest Things

I think we look for pleasure in large gulps. People around me are doing it and sometimes me, too. We want the grand trip, the expensive car, the giant flat screen TV (make that in a media room with special theater seats in a 5000-square-foot house). We want all the CDs and DVDs and downloads we will never have time to listen to or watch.

It never satisfies.

Satisfaction is enjoying the way a single photo looks on your blog. (This one is another from the series of shop window reflections.) Or a photo or turn of phrase from someone else's blog or e-mail. A friend of mine wrote me last night:

'By the way I've figured out the "Universe" has granted me parking karma because I'm not going marry, get rich or find a job I love. I guess it could be worse, I could have to park blocks away too.'

That made me laugh. A laugh is a precious little thing.

Satisfaction is seeing a movie (last night: The Departed) and then discussing it over a casual dinner (last night: Galaxy...I had a fish wrap, a single glass of Chardonnay and sweet potato fries).

Satisfaction is finishing some phase of holiday shopping and saying to yourself "OK, that's what those people get. I hope it works out." I finished shopping for my Colorado presents yesterday so I could mail them. I send little Santa sacks that everything has to fit in. Sort of like stocking stuffers. Sadly, I can't remember what I gave last year (or before that) in many cases so there are probably duplicates. Maybe they won't remember either! Or maybe it's something like a pen or notepad that you can always use. With the kids (6 and 4) there is the question of parity among brothers. Through it all and when it's over, though, I realize that it is the thought that counts. Really. See my ramblngs of a few days ago.

Satisfaction is working out in the gym for months and years and thinking nothing is happening and then flexing and feeling a muscle or going up some stairs and noticing you are not out of breath.

Satisfaction is having the time to rewatch a favorite movie or listen to a song for the umpeenth time.

Satisfaction is having the time to read and then finding a word you are unsure of and looking it up in the dictionary.

Satisfaction is taking the time to write something. Even a blog. Even using a writing prompt. Even if you suggested the prompt!

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