Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dogs We've Known

FFP put a not-so-current picture of our current dog Chalow on Austin Daily Photo. Of course, that draws a few dog people chatting and he wondered if there was a picture of our Old English Sheepdog who died in April of 1991.

Well, there are several but this one had Oscar the sheepdog looking better-groomed than usual as we posed for a picture for our 1983/1984 holiday card. We all look pretty well-groomed that day. And talk about not-so-current!

Look at us: no gray hair. Thinner? Both dogs have met their maker but they were young and frisky then. Lucky, the little mutt in my lap, made it to '97, I think, and the age of 17.

Well, must accomplish something. My downsizing tasks are making me sad today. And the pest control people are coming and right now you can't see the baseboards in here.

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