Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Urge to Post

Since FFP and I started Austin Daily Photo, I seem to have the urge to post something frequently. The rule there is one day=one photo. So once one of us posts there, that's it for the day.

Nothing stopping me posting here or in the Journal of Unintended Consequences, however. Of course, the JoUC requires a certain kind of post.

But there are no rules in The Visible Woman really. Not exactly.

This is a reflection of us in a window that looks out onto a deck at the Norwood Building. You will notice that my new camera (Nikon CoolPix P4) has no viewfinder. Therefore you will not see my face obscured by the camera in so many of these shots. An Unintended Consequence. Wait, wrong blog.

Well, that's it. Like I said: I just had the urge to post.

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