Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sorry to be Short

Seems like my posts here have been sort of terse for the last few days. I guess I've fallen into a rut of just typing something in, adding a picture, obligation done. I've been writing a lot in my personal journal. But that all seems to fall in the category of "my mouth doesn't hurt or does hurt in the following ways" or "these are the things I'm not getting done."

I will try to be more of a correspondent with the Holidailies obligation. Because that is something that commands more respect to me somehow. (Yeah. Stupid, I guess. Made up obligations to mask real and present ones.)

The picture? My shadow. Tennis court. A lot of my friends can't, won't, shouldn't play and I'm humbled that I still can. One of the friends I was playing with yesterday who is older by ten or fifteen years was mystified about why I'd take a picture of my shadow on the tennis court. Explaining about a blog that begged for pictures seemed futile.

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