Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Where Will You Lie in State?

For most of us the answer is a funeral home somewhere with people filing into one or two stuffy rooms. Recent icons who passed away in Austin such as former Governor Ann Richards and former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson were in state in public buildings (the Capitol Rotunda and the LBJ Presidential Library respectively). When our friend (and seemingly everyone else's in Austin) Karen Kuykendall died last week, I could not imagine how any funeral home could accommodate a visitation before the funeral mass . I needn't have worried. The historic Paramount Theatre opened its doors to welcome hundreds of people to scatter rose petals around her coffin and view many large photos of her family and her theatrical exploits. FFP and I stayed a while, greeting family and friends. We bought ourselves a drink. ("Of course there was a bar. Karen wouldn't have had it any other way.") People exchanged stories of Mrs. K. There were laughs and tears. As we left, more people streamed in to pay their respects. Some people were clear on when they met her and why. FFP and I couldn't remember not knowing her. As I said here a couple of days ago, she will be missed by much of Austin.


Annie in Austin said...

Have you seen the November Issue of AustinWoman magazine? Karen is on the cover, and the story inside is pretty cool and full of photos. It was printed when she was still hoping to recover which made it even more touching to read.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Linda Ball said...

I haven't seen it but someone else told me it was a great article.

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