Nope...not a new picture and nothing much to say. I promise to take some pictures on vacation and maybe post them when I get back.
I feel good and I have no reason to be depressed except that people I really care about are battling health problems and fifty-eight-year-old friends are dying. I'm not that old, but that's not really the point. Not that I have one.
I feel like the world is rocketing out of control. Probably because it is. I sit at some sort of vortex, things seemingly going well for me. But how can that really be?
A vacation is either going to do a world of good in such a case or just complicate my life. I hope it's the former. Now I've just got to concentrate on packing: toothbrush, passport, comfortable shoes, a couple of good books and a digital camera. We still have a bit of a countdown before we take off but it feels short now.
Since I resigned from the daily online journal world and became an occasional technology-assisted blogger (ugh), I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping up my private journals. And I would feel bad if I wasn't because I am notorious about not remembering when things happened or even if they happened. After my vacation I may try to publish in my own format and my own space to create a record of the trip that is more flexible. Like the account of our road trip last year or our French adventure in 2004. Of course, neither of those formats pleases me now. Sigh. Maybe I'll blog it. Although it feels like I'm committing my thoughts and pictures to someone else's whims. Because, of course, I am.
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